Well the whole time I was growing up I can't remember not having a coffee table. When Charles and I got married I met his sister Verna. After going to her house to meet her family and 4 girls I noticed that they didn't have a coffee table, at the time I thought it was really empty in their family room. I think I asked Verna once why she didn't have a one and she said"are you kidding me, it's just something that one of my kids will fall and crack their head open on". At the time I thought SMART! After that I never had a coffee table when my kids were really little. We always had an empty family room too. Well, when we lived in California I got a used coffee table at a yard sale. I put it in our formal living room because the kids didn't go in there much! So far so good I thought when we moved to Indiana, I painted the used coffee table and put it in our family room. For one year we have had no problems with the coffee table-until yesterday!!Shelby loves to run into the living room and fling herself over the corners of the sofa and the love seat. Seroiusly, Charles and I tell her at least 5-6 times a day "don't climb on the couch, you are gonna get hurt". I ran to Sams club yesterday, I was gone all of 45 minutes, Justin was watching the kids and I left my phone in the suburban by accident, I was on my way home when I saw I had a missed call and a voicemail. I called home, Justin said that 20 minutes ago Shelby was climbing on the sofa and hit her head on the corner of the COFFEE TABLE! All I heard was cut and head and maybe she need stitches and I got it to stop bleeding. I am trying to get home, and I am wondering why traffic is not moving and low and behold I am waiting for a funeral procession. Of course, I call Charles, I tell him he needs to run home and check Shelby's head because she fell and cut it. I knew he could get there faster than I could. By the time I got home I found Charles taking photos of Shelby's EAR! Not her head. Mom's of kids with cuts don't hear details real well. Seven stitches later Shelby's ear is OK! The whole time we were waiting at the hospital I kept thinking I hope her ear won't be deformed! I am so silly! The Nurse Practioner that sewed her up did a great job. It looks really good! Justin insisted that I blog about this! Sorry