Sunday, December 21, 2008

As if anyone cares!!!

My coat was safely returned to me a few weeks ago! Except fot the fact it smelled kinda funny, it was in good shape! I guess I will try to find better things to BLOG about! Our lives here in Indiana are pretty uneventful!!


JeN said...

Glad you got it back.. By the way, THANKS for sharing with me your new cell number!!! After having a lengthy conversation with Marco, the new owner of your Cali cell number.. I still don't have your address for a Christmas Card!!! I see how you are!!

Cari said...

I CARE!!!!! I want you too share just as if you were here. If you were here it would be a big deal, so since you are there, it is a big deal! How much longer till you can come back? WE MISS YOU!!!!!!!! Hope you guys have a very Merry Christmas!

Jill said...

Lorae...we love you and miss you and the coat saga was good. How about that Indiana weather? That's something to blog about so all of us babies here in Cali will appreciate the 30 degree temps when we know yours are sooooo much lower. Or how about what the kids are up to, we always like to see the kids, and you guys too of course!

Janet said...

You don't how much you are missed. I can hardly wait 'til you get back here. Have a wonderful Christmas.

DIY Party Mom said...

WAHOOOO!!!! The coat is back. The coat is back. The coat is back. (Can you hear me cheering?)